
Voice of Electronic Music #18 – Elaine Huang (Neon Owl)


Elaine Huang is a vision & branding coach, video blogger, interviewer, dance music fanatic, and co-conspirator of Neon Owl- a charity driven music blog. She also runs Open Door Sessions, a recurring music networking event in the Bay Area that features lectures, feedback, and workshops with some of the brightest minds in the industry.

@3:50 Neon Owl, Open Door Sessions, and and giving back to the music community
@36:00 Getter canceling his show tour and why Twitter DM’s can be damaging

Neon Owl: neonowl.co/
Open Door Sessions: neonowl.co/opendoorsessions/
Elaine’s World IG: www.instagram.com/itselainesworld/
Elaine’s World Twitter: twitter.com/itselainesworld/

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